Water baptism is for all believers in Jesus Christ! There are no pre-requisites, aside from putting your faith in Jesus as your savior.

This summer, baptisms will be available following each of our outdoor services on July 14, August 11, and September 8. No need to pre-register, just show up ready to get wet!

For the rest of the year, we are happy to schedule a baptism almost any Sunday. Just use the Online Baptism Form to schedule a pre-baptism meeting with a CalvaryMac pastor. The form also allows you to request your preferred Sundays to get baptized on, and to share your story of how you came to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord.

Baptism is the opportunity to publicly declare you are a follower of Jesus. We believe its important to invite the people you care most about to see you get baptized. Once the date of your baptism is scheduled we encourage everyone to invite people they care about to see you get "dunked."

Questions about Baptism?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.