Set aside time to seek the Lord and join us for this year’s Women’s Retreat at the Christian Renewal Center in Silverton, Oregon. This will be a powerful weekend of teaching, worship, and fellowship as we seek the Lord on what it means to live as women in Christ.
This year’s theme, Lady of Valor, will focus on what the Bible teaches about living with strength, integrity, and courage as women of God. Through verse by verse teaching we’ll explore how these timeless truths apply to our lives today.
We are blessed to have Marci Dunfee as our guest speaker. Marci has been a believer since 1984 and brings years of experience serving in ministry alongside her husband, Mitch. Together, they’ve worked in marriage, parenting, children’s ministry, worship, and counseling in several Calvary Chapels. Marci currently serves at Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities as a women’s counselor, Women’s Bible study leader and many other supprtive roles.
Registration Options:
Full Retreat: May 2-4, 2025
Saturday Only: Join us for teaching and fellowship on May 3
Optional Early Check-In: Arrive on May 1
We invite all women ages 15 and older to attend this retreat.
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11