Pastoral Confirmation Vote Details

Zach Lamberson has been recommended by the Pastoral Selection Team and Board as the candidate for our next Lead Pastor. The final step of our pastoral selection process will be a vote of the congregation to affirm Zach as the new Lead Pastor.

This vote of affirmation will be taken on Sunday, October 29, after each of the 9AM and 11AM services. Zach will be our speaker on the day of the vote.

1. What will we vote on?
The ballot asks for a “Yes” or “No” vote on the following question: “Do you affirm Zach Lamberson as the new Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel of McMinnville?”

2. Who is eligible to vote?
According to our Constitution and Bylaws, all “congregants” of CalvaryMac are eligible to vote. A “congregant” is defined in our bylaws as anyone who:
1. Acknowledges and accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
2. Ascribes to the CalvaryMac Statement of Faith
3. Regularly attends services at CalvaryMac AND
4. Supports CalvaryMac financially on a regular basis
It will be up to each of you to decide whether you meet these criteria.

3. How will we vote?
Voting will be done by written ballot. We will keep a record of who participated in the vote, but not how individuals voted.

4. What is the required majority?
According to our Constitution and Bylaws, In order for the new Pastor to be confirmed, a simple majority (more than 50%) of the congregants voting must vote in favor.

5. What comes next?
If Zach is affirmed by a simple majority of the congregation and accepts the position, we will work with on a timeline for his movefrom Kennewick and his transition into the Lead Pastor role.
If Zach is not affirmed or does not accept the position, the Selection Team and Board will work together to decide which step of the selection process to return to.

If you are not able to be here in person on the 29th and would like to make other arrangements to vote, please make other arrangements by emailing or calling the church office at 503-472-4245 ASAP. If you are going to be here on the 29th, please wait until then to vote.

After the voting has been completed on the 29th, we will count the votes and announce the results as soon as they are available. Anyone who would like to is invited to stay after the 11:00 service and hear the results.