Pastor Selection Process Update

Confirmation Vote Information

Pastoral candidates will be teaching at CalvaryMac on September 3 and 17 as part of the interview process. Looking beyond that, the final step of our pastoral selection process will be a vote of the congregation to confirm the one candidate that is chosen by the Selection Team. While this is still several weeks away, we wanted to give some information about what that vote will look like.
1. When will the vote be taken?
The vote will happen at a special meeting of the congregation, probably after the 11:00 service on a selected Sunday. Notice of the meeting will be given at least two Sundays before the meeting takes place.
2. What will we vote on?
The question will be simple. Something like: "Do you affirm the calling of John Doe as the new Lead Pastor of Calvary Chapel of McMinnville?"
3. Who will be eligible to vote?
According to our Constitution and Bylaws, all congregants of CalvaryMac are eligible to vote. A congregant is anyone who:
  • Acknowledges and accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior 
  • Ascribes to the CalvaryMac Statement of Faith
  • Regularly attends services at CalvaryMac AND
  • Supports CalvaryMac financially on a regular basis
It will be up to each of you to decide whether you meet all of these criteria. Only those attending the meeting in person will be able to vote.
4. How will we vote?
Voting will be done by written ballot. We will keep a record of who participated in the vote, but not how individuals voted.
5. What is the required majority?
According to our Constitution and Bylaws, In order for the new Pastor to be confirmed, a simple majority (more than 50%) of the congregants voting must vote in favor.

For more details on the CalvaryMac Statement of Faith, as well as ways that you can pray for the Pastor Selection Team and the chuch during this transition, click here.