Pastor Selection Announcement

We are pleased to announce that after much deliberation and prayer, the pastor selection team has invited Zach Lamberson to be presented to you as our nominee for Lead Pastor.

To recap Zach's ministry experience, Zach has been on staff at Calvary Tri-Cities in Kennewick WA for 18 years in a multitude of roles, and has most recently been leading their Young Adult ministry and their Worship ministry. He has a passion for teaching God's word and equipping and building up the church. We believe that Zach is the Lord’s choice for continuing the legacy of clear Bible teaching and faithful love for the people that which    has been the foundation of the pastorate here at Calvary for decades.

This has been a challenging decision because of the great strengths that we saw in each of our two finalists. We appreciate all of you that gave us input and feedback on both candidates. We reminded ourselves many times in the decision process that, just as it was when the Lord led Samuel to King David, we couldn’t judge only by our personal preferences or opinions, but needed to seek God’s heart in the matter. In the end we felt believe the Lord was leading the team to invite Zach and Christy, and we are excited that they have also felt called to accept the nomination.

Zach and Christy joined us in person at Calvary on Sunday for the announcement. You can watch their comments during the service here:
The team would like to express our deep appreciation to Stuart Smith, our other finalist, for the time, energy, and prayer that he put into this process, and we are praying for the great things we know God has for him and Shaana in the future. Likewise Stuart has asked us to share his thanks and let you know that he will be praying for CalvaryMac as we move forward.

The next and final step in our selection process is for the congregation to express their support for Zach as our lead pastor. We have scheduled the confirmation vote for the formal acceptance of Zach as our new pastor on October 29, which is two weeks from today. We'd like to emphasize that this is not just a formality; it's a binding vote, and to confirm the new pastor, it will require a “yes” vote from over 50 percent of those voting. We'd also like to remind you that this vote is not a choice between two candidates, but a vote to confirm the congregation's support for Zach as our next pastor. If the congregation votes to not confirm Zach, then the selection team will start over with the selection process.

As we shared several weeks ago, while we don't have an official membership roll, the affirmation of a new pastor is the one matter for which our bylaws call for a vote of the congregation. The criteria for being part of that process are laid out in our bylaws as including those who:
  • Acknowledge and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
  • Ascribe to the CalvaryMac Statement of Faith
  • Regularly attend services at CalvaryMac AND
  • Support CalvaryMac financially on a regular basis

If you meet all of those criteria then you are invited to be a part of the vote on October 29. It will be up to each of you to decide whether you meet all of these requirements (including deciding what regular financial support means to you). We are going to make one change from the information that was announced back in August. Instead of holding a special meeting after the 11:00 service on the 29th, we will have a time at the end of both services that Sunday where people can cast their vote. This should make it easier for more people to participate. We will make anonymous ballots available, and when the time comes to vote we will ask you to bring your ballot forward, record your name on a list, and drop your ballot in a box. The ballots will ask you to confirm that you meet the criteria for voting, and ask whether you affirm the call of Zach as our pastor.

As always, if you have any questions, please reach out! One way to reach us is by emailing Thank you all for your patience, prayers, and support as we have worked through this process, and we humbly request your continued prayers and support for the confirmation vote and the rest of the transition process.